We, The Women


As I write this past midnight on a Saturday night, my partly delirious brain is mad at me for spending an hour or more on Tiktok (which is funny because it should be used to that by now). Anyway, my whiny brain aside, Happy International Women’s Day!

Why do we celebrate? Because (feminist or not) we can all agree on the celebration of, and further need in, ending inequality and discrimination against women. While the world (as whole) came this far and still has long ways to go, I’m not getting into those details. What I do want to highlight are the small, yet important, things:

  1. Are we showing gestures that we care?
  2. Are women the biggest supporters of all women?
  3. Do we provide honest feedback, which directly benefits the other women?
  4. Do we compete and pass comments, instead of being genuinely happy (knowing that we all have out individual strengths and accomplishments) for other women’s accomplishments?
  5. Do we wholeheartedly greet/talk to other women without an ulterior motive?

If you answered “No” or “I’m not sure” to any of these— you’re not the only one AND we need to change things up for the better!


Here are a few simple ways we can make a difference:

  1. Send random messages of support.
  2. Pick a different woman to appreciate each day.
  3. Acts of kindness.
  4. Adopt this mentality: we all have our good and bad days. Someone else’s good day doesn’t mean you don’t have good days. Let her have her moment.
  5. Don’t judge your race based on some one else’s speed.
  6. There’s no such thing as “too feminine” or “feminine enough”, there’s no need to put a scale to anything.
  7. Here’s a no-brainer: don’t judge a woman based on looks. Just don’t!

So here’s to this adventure called “womanhood”. May we all live it, may we all grow in it, and may we all enjoy it. Happy Women’s Day — today, and everyday!

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