What My 20s Taught me

My birthday was in June and I’m finally finishing this post. Hah! And no, this is really not a sappy post about how far I’ve come. None of that!
Last year, on my birthday, I was on my way to work when a terrible anxious episode stopped me. I was turning older, just lost my father and, quite honestly—life was nowhere close to how I imagined. Proceeded to spend most of the day in bed. ⁣
This year, I was at peace.  And as I hit a milestone, there are a few things I picked up that I wanted to share:
  1.  Your journey is unique to you. Trust yourself—and trust your process. ⁣
  2.  Honor and embrace true relationships—your late twenties will be spent filtering out the unwanted/fake people. ⁣
  3.  It’s ok to be different. ⁣No really! Some realize this sooner than other––but yes! We each have our own unique story to share.
  4.  If you’re making a decision based on what society thinks––I’ll save you the time. Just know that is never works out!
  5. Therapy is not optional, its important. ⁣
  6. Spirituality is actually a good thing. The concept does get a little confusing since religion gets tied into it––but the idea is far from it. Spirituality is being in tuned with the soul, focusing on our minds and the energy we give and receive.
  7. When it comes to relationships, especially romantic one(s)––you either grow together or away. And trust that it’s completely ok.
  8. Eat your fruits and drink your water. Did I stress enough on drinking water?
If you’ve come down to this you’re a real one. And I appreciate you!
Here’s to wonderful experiences and memories to create in your 20s. AND if you’ve already stepped into your 30s––we did great pal!
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