Earthy Tones and Fall

Here’s what’s going on––I’m currently writing about Fall fashion while complaining about the high temperatures in Texas. Like come on! Understand the assignment and don’t let me sweat it out while shooting content! Well, I can leave the ranting for any other time. Let’s share the excitement on Fall fashion!

As we discuss the trends this year, I couldn’t help but notice how trends have been much different this year (as they should be!). Definitely see more colors, sets and chunky footwear. But a couple of things remained pretty constant–– vest, neutrals, oversized blazers etc. And of course––browns and greens. I feel like I’m from the Earth Kingdom (Avatar: the last Airbender reference– hi!) as I’m writing this post. To be honest. browns and greens align as Fall basics/neutrals for any time during the season! It’s one of those colors that’s surprisingly quite flattering on any skin tone. Earthy sophistication is what I call it!

So, if you’re reading this––it’s your singn to get Earth tones for Fall. blankblank


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