Self Care and Mental Happiness


Ok I’m going to be VERY honest– I was this close to postponing this post. Because I got busy watching Friends for the 50th time (*hey don’t judge!))! But jokes aside, I was honestly dreading this topic. Self care is a vast and important topic, but how many of us actually follow through with it?

In today’s post, let’s tackle the mental aspect of self-care. What does taking care of our mental health consist of? A simple answer would be ‘a lot’. But I won’t be doing a good job if I just gave you a simple answer will I? Many of us don’t realize this, or simply ignore it, but being mentally well is a challenge. From over exerting ourselves to constantly multitasking, we fail to give our minds the breaks they deserve (me included).

So how do we self-care?

  • Pause: Let go of your thoughts, even if it’s for s brief minute. Your brain is like a hamster in a wheel, can’t be running all the time without collapsing.
  • Find ways to engage your brain in things that briefly disconnects from your reality: Maybe it’s music, book, audiobook or even a crossword puzzle.
  • Sleep!: Seriously, no arguments here. Your brain needs to rest and recover!
  • Reconnect your mind with your body: dance, yoga, rock climbing or any kind of physical activity really! Key is to engage your mind and body to create a smooth harmony.
  • Connect with friends or stop connecting for a brief period: Whatever works best for your mindset.
  • Find a counselor to check in with every once in a while: Therapy is like a workout for your brain, and is never only limited to those suffering from mental health issues.

So there you go! While internal happiness is hard to detect, the lack of it can easily reflect on to everyday instances. So keep in mind, be happy! You deserve to care, about yourself!

Much love!

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