Ok, I was this close to using title ‘What weight gain teaches you’ but needed to preserve a broadness to what I’m about to discuss. I understand this topic is somewhat relative. And yes this is not me crying or regretting about things, but more about a common problem we all face (unfortunately more regularly than not)- what next when we completely fall off wagon? From fitness to relationships, this is quite normal.
I’ll use me and my fitness struggle as an example. Many people don’t know this about me – body image was my biggest struggle growing up. I believe it had a lot to do about being a short girl- when there’s no extra length to distribute your physique within, you’re more focused on perfecting the frame you come in. I remember being naturally skinny most of my teenage years, until I started getting ‘curvier’. I’m now glad that happened, but as an 18 year old, it meant the ‘end of my pretty world’. Fast forward an few more years, I remember putting my 00 pants on and ‘oh sh**t’ they don’t zip up! My face looks round and I don’t feel attractive. Fair enough, getting on the weighing scale (I never get on the scale) I was 10 pounds heavier than the last time I weighed myself.
Ok so here’s where I’m trying to get at. Just like everything happens for reason, weight gain or similar experiences are there to educate us. Keep in mind, this is not a ‘how to get back on track’ but more of ‘how to take care of the situation when and if you fall’
First of all, know it’s not your fault. It’s never a good idea to beat yourself up over what happens. However, I do like to bring an adult factor into the picture-the fact that it happened. Accountability is to acknowledge what happened and taking ownership in making it better/right.
Take baby steps:
Going all out never works. Taking small strides a) lessens the severity of the initial fall and b)is more encouraging and makes the goal more attainable. Imagine being completely out of practice on something and then one day you decide to get back to it. Chances are if you overdo it the first day, you’re less likely to stick/re-stick to it.
Add Newness:
Give your brain a mental breather by introducing new things or/and experiences. Learning new things keep us from getting bored or frustrated on our current situations. Newness can be anything- from listening to a different podcast to signing up for that yoga class you’ve been meaning to try.
Just get back to it:
All it takes is the “you know what, it’s not even a big deal” attitude. Kind of like sky-diving or getting your ears pierced- the more you sit and think about doing it, the more you hesitate.
It’s never as bad as you think:
Going back to weight gain, people around me never noticed whenever that happened. Rather it was me feeling fatter and less attractive, just because I saw myself add on some pounds. As humans we tend to heighten the severity of the situations we’re in. The minute we train our minds to stop doing so, magic happens.
Hope these help! Remember you’re only as powerful as you deem yourself to be. Good luck ‘getting up stronger’!
Shop My Outfits Below:

it rained these days… cant work out. am too lazy to do indoor training… 🙁
thank you for sharing.
IG @grace_njio
I feel ya! It’s been raining a lot here too. Start small, maybe walk around the house for a bit. Baby steps! xo
Wow love the first look!
Mónica Sors
Thank you Monica!!
It’s so interesting that you posted this, because I am right here at this exact spot with you at the same time. I just started getting back out there and just doing it. Taking accountability, and starting back in, little by little to work my way back up. It’s a struggle, but it’s so good to know we’re all doing this at some time or another!
I love your candor about a topic that can be so difficult to talk about sometimes. So refreshing. Thanks girl!
Wow thank you so much for your feedback and support! It really means a lot knowing that I am not alone! Hope we can continue to support one another! Goodluck on your journey!! xo
Loving all your outfits! Great post dear
Mademoiselle Coconath
Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing the different tips & points =)
Thank you for reading it! 🙂
I am definitely in this place right now and trying not to stress too much about it. In the past I would’ve been so depressed about it, but now, nope. I’ll get back up. You look gorgeous in red.
Loving your positive attitude! Keep at it girl!! Thank you!! xo
Such a beautiful outfits and tips. I completely agree with you.
Thank you so much Marija!!
Great life advice, and these outfits are absolutely stunning! https://mariannyc.com/2018/06/19/staycation-at-the-williamsburg-hotel/
Thank you dear!
I agree with all your points, but especially that it’s best to just get back into it. It’s best not to give things too much thought before jumping back in because that just makes one discouraged.
Kathrin | Polar Bear Style
I totally agree with you! Thank you babe for your feedback!! xo
I couldn’t agree more about everything you just said dear, especially on accountability. At the end of the day, our success is a result of what we do. Anyway, you look fab in all outfits dear, especially the first one!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thank you so much Jessica! Your feedback means a lot! xo
Besutiful! Loving all your outfits!
Thank you Anne!!
I absolutely agree with everything your wrote. Accountability is so important. Baby steps always lessen the pressure. Things often seem worse to us then they are. Others never notice the little ‘flaws’ and sometimes those flaws are not flaws at all, just something we might be insecure about.
You look stunning in all of these outfits. Love that red jumpsuit on you.
You are absolutely right! Thank you so much for your feedback! Means a lot to know I am not alone! xo
I couldn’t agree more, accountability is important.
Yes it is! xo
These are all such great tips and you are in a fab shape! I love your message here and (also) everything you wear xx
Thank you Naya! So sweet of you to say! Glad you liked my tips and my outfits! xo
Wow! The red looks classy!! xoxo
Thank you dear!!
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