The life I live is a good life! Maybe not the most exciting to some, or very exciting to others – but who’s comparing? Now, deep in my 20s, it’s always so fun to look back and reflect. Yes there were “What was I thinking” moments, but that never takes away the “Man, I’m so glad I did that” moments. However, if I could go back and teach the 18 year old me anything, it would be something along these things.
1. Be futuristic: Take some time to figure out a goal in life. It doesn’t have to be accurate, and yes it’ll change or modify as you go – but having a goal in sight makes it so much easier to have vision on the life we want to live, which thus positively affects the decisions you make in life.
2. Have a role model: Public figure or real life person, it doesn’t matter. Pick someone who is an image of where you want to be (pick wisely!) and put them in your day to day situations. Oddly enough my role model was (and maybe still is) Harvey Specter from Suits, and often times in many situations I find myself thinking to myself “What would Harvey do?”
3. Read books or find ways to educate yourself everyday: Growing up, I wasn’t big on reading books, and I kind of wish podcasts were more accessible when I was 18. However, it’s amazing how feeding knowledge to your brain can positively affect you – it helps shape character!
4. What you consider weakness, may turn into your biggest strength down the road: Growing up petite and also as a South Asian, I always thought it was such a struggle to be deemed as normal. Now when I look back, I feel so silly for thinking that way. Now, my cultural background and height both give me the courage to stand out and provide the uniqueness that gave life to this blog.
5. Focus on your health and fitness: Yes you can be skinny with a high metabolism, but I’ll assure you that it won’t stop bad health from creeping up on you when you’re older. Plus, having a healthy and active lifestyle goes hand in hand with better mental functionality.
6. Don’t rush into ‘falling in love’: I’ve learned it the hard way that who you consider ‘the one’ is far from the one. To clarify, I’m not saying you will never end up with the person you’re with at 18. The age 18 is a time of self-discovery and the most importantly learning how to commit to yourself. As the old saying goes – find yourself and then find someone to love. Trust me it feels so much better.
7. Have a side gig – learn a craft: It’s always good to have multiple options open. Who knows, the dance practices may pay out better than the Finance degree you are pursuing down the road. Even if that’s not the case, maybe that extra talent mentally saves you when you come across challenging times.
8. Meditate, pray or simply introspect: Sometimes it’s a great idea to slow down, recollect your thoughts or simply disconnect from outside chaos even if it’s for just a minute or so.
9. Your finances – save as much money as you can: You will thank yourself later. Adult life is difficult, and most of us get engulfed in the desire to earn more money. We pay more attention to investing and spending, not much to saving. And one thing’s for sure – the more money you save, the easier it’ll be for you to walk out of that job you grow to hate in exchange for doing something you love!
10. Remember, no decision is a bad decision: So trust yourself a little! If you’ve put some thoughts in it and considered all the outcomes – it isn’t a bad decision at all. Maybe a learning curve, but not bad a decision.

Very interesting post, I love the way you see the life and how focus you are. That’s great¡¡¡¡ Keep going and don’t look back
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing post.
Kisses from Miami
Thank you so much for your feedback hun! All your support really means a lot to me! xo
the most important of the list is to fix your goals… totally agree with you
So true! Thank you!! xo
Such a wonderful post. These are great things to do at any age.
Kathrin | Polar Bear Style
Thanks Kathrin! So glad you liked reading it! xo
This is such a great post!
Chloe x
Thank you Chloe! xo
These are awesome tips to give to your past self. I agree with all of them! Try to invest into the future a little and things will happen at the right time, including love. Oh man, I started saving money since I was 18 and I have no regrets. Though, I wish I could’ve been a bit more mindful about my spending! Thanks for sharing these tidbits :).
Nancy ♥
Thanks for your feedback dear! xo
Amazing outfit! You look so stylish!
Thank you so much Anya!! xo
Such a great post & such a gorgeous look.
Blonde in Cashmere
Thanks Vera! xo
Nice read dear, and I couldn’t agree more, especially on finances! ha!
Jessica |
Haha right? Thanks!! xo
A lot of decisions have to be taken, some are good, some you regret. From the bad ones you learn and somehow it makes you stronger.
xx Simone
Little Glittery Box
You are absolutely right!! xo
I would repeat n. 9 to my younger 18 too!
Haha I feel ya girl! xo
Yasss I agree with the learning a craft idea, I wished I had a skill
Kay xx
Same here girl! xo
I absolutely love this post.. thank you for sharing your personal thoughts girl!
x Lisa |
Thanks girl! xo
Such a great post hun!
xx- Nina
Thank you Nina! xo
I feel you with number 5!! I just started taking care of my body and health XD
xx from italy
Cate ღ 35mm in Style
So important for a good mental health! xo
10 really strong life goals for any age. Such a great read. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you girl! xo
So great tips!! Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to read it!! xo
As they say, before you get to be old and wise, you have to be young and stupid. I definitely agree to all this. Well, these are all true.
StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova