Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Growing up, white has been that one color I always avoided. There was something about the way the color contrasted my skin, and how it easily stains (clumsy me) that made me stay away.

Honestly, what made me stay away was less about the color but more about how comfortable I was in avoiding it. Our comfort zones have mysterious ways in holding us in place. But one thing I learned in the 20+ years I call life, staying in place means not growing.

At 26, I have achieved enough self-love and confidence to help me move out of my comfort zone. Today, I am proud and happy to say that I love wearing white clothes. In addition I also love meeting new people and going on outdoor adventures – things the young, shy me would so not be up for!


So how do you step out of the comfort zone, you ask? Here are ways that worked for me:

1. Hold yourself accountable: know (and even write down) the bad habits you have and how it affects your lifestyle. Then figure out why you need to and how you’re going to change it.

2. Sign up for/buy things that are non-refundable: Maybe it’s the yoga class you signed up for, the air ticket you bought, or even the final sale item your purchased – commit to something you cannot find away to get out of.

3. Switch up your style: don’t be boring and predictable! Keep people, and yourself, guessing.

4. Read books or listen to podcasts: I’m not much of a book reader, but podcasts have been my obsession for a while now. I exchanged my music with podcasts on my daily commute to and from work.

5. Change who you surround yourself with: Surround yourself with different kinds of people and make spontaneous plans with them.

6. Diet and fitness: Take care of yourself. Happy body equals happy and enthusiastic you.

7. Switch up your daily routine: That includes your workouts. Hey, go spinning today and maybe yoga tomorrow!

8. Sign up for something interesting: Maybe it’s the cooking class you’ve been thinking of taking or even something adventurous like skydiving (do it!)

9. Start small: Set attainable goals. Aiming too much at once is a recipe for disaster- you will only let yourself down. Starting small let’s you know your potential and boost your confidence.

10. Remember, you won’t know until you try: It’s always much better on the other side of fear and discomfort.

Good Luck and go rock your whites this summer!!

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    • Thank you for your feedback dear! xo


    • Thanks dear! That’s so true, all we need is a little push, but sometimes that’s so hard to do! Have a great weekend!! xo


    • Thanks girl! I feel ya! I think starting small really helps..xo


    • Thank you!! I was the same way girl, but now I love it! xo


    • Such a great feeling! Thank you dear!! xo


    • Absolutely, couldn’t agree more! xo


    • Agrees! It’s an important step towards success! Thank you dear!! xo


    • That is so sweet! Thank you dear!! xo


    • Thank you dear! Good luck! Hope it helps!! xo


    • Thank you so much! I am so glad I could be of help. Hope it works for you! GOOD LUCK!! xx


  1. I love the all white outfit, girle, so fresh and perfect for spring! I felt the same way a few years ago about wearing all white, it can be somewhat of a vulnerable color, but with confidence and challenging ourselves, it can be done confidently, as you’ve stated. Thanks for sharing and I hope you’re having a great week!



    • Thank you Jalisa for the amazing feedback! I really appreciate it. I am so glad you could relate to me and reassured these tips! Have a great rest of the week!! xo


  2. Wise words. Life indeed, starts outside of our comfort zones. It’s where growth and true happiness lies! Also, I couldn’t agree more, especially with number 5. It’s true that if you want success, you should surround yourself with people with the same mindset as you. Be inspired by their success, and stay away from toxic, negative people.

    Jessica |

    • Wow thank you so much for the feedback beautiful! I am so happy to hear that you agree with the tips. Number 5 was a crucial decision for me and changed my life for the better! xo


    • Thank you so much! Your feedback means a lot and really helps to boost my self-confidence even more! xo


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