Some Things To Keep In Mind

I am currently on day 20 of “staring unnecessarily for way too long at my phone”, and 25th bag of chips. Jokes aside, self-isolation is a time to put things to perspective. With everything going on (lives changing overnight, finances and mental health being put to extreme tests), here are some things that came to my mind:

This too shall pass. Some hurdles seem bigger than others. But our abilities to come out of challenging times are just as inevitable as the challenges themselves. We bear a high threshold to tolerate and come out of things stronger.

We are living through one of the ‘worst case scenarios’, and boy are we doing it smoothly!

Stripped off our socioeconomic background, culture, exterior features and so many other factors –we are all the same people. Sharing a problem that’s universal to all, and lives being brought down to just the core necessities, did a great job proving that.

Believe in the way the universe works. As Steve Jobs once said “you can only connect the dots looking back”, stressing about how things will pan out really doesn’t take us far. Trusting that things will fall in place, taking the approach of making the best out of the present, and positively strategizing for the future can be the best approach.

Positive attitude is not a choice, it’s the way to a stable mental being.

Judging others or harboring ill-feelings are not healthy. It’s easy to compare to others, especially when we’re cooped up at home and have access to what others put out there in this wonderful world of social media. But negative thoughts have never helped anyone have they?

This is a good time to rewire, rethink and organize. Whether it’s from a job/money point of view, or simply to reestablish/strengthen family bonds – it’s a unique opportunity to just hit reset.

Most important thing: You’re not right or wrong. You are okay.

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