It Starts At Home

We can all agree on the fact that the world is currently not a happy place. Recent events formed a cluster of shock, rage and sadness in all of us–but we’re also aware that the underlying issues are not new. Racism, is not a new concept, but should’ve disappeared long time ago. We are too far into the Earth’s existence to take steps back. Mother Nature never differentiates between black and white. So why should her children?

To break things down, when it come to acts of hatred, we to need start by seeing the ‘whys‘ and ‘whos’. There are two kinds of people acting out:

a) The ones who act negatively

b) The ones who don’t speak up.

First, let’s trace it back. The hatred instilled in those who act doesn’t just magically appear from nowhere. Bad habits and mindsets have more to do with nurture than anything else. What we observe, learn and normalize from a young age is a part of us that get hard to separate from.

Secondly, there’s the practice of seeing and calling out wrong. As kids, most of us learn the difference between right and wrong. However, do most of us get the hands on practice on speaking up when we witness unjust, unfair and hurtful? The answer might be surprising. Because a lot of households, and cultures, take the “ignore it, it’s none of your business” approach. While this approach may be useful in many cases, staying quiet in sensitive issues like racism, only impacts the situation negatively.

Truth is, the ones nurtured negatively cannot be altered. However, we can collectively change our mindsets and speak up for what’s not right. There’s so much we should’ve done, so much we should’ve said and so much more we need to do. Racism will end, and future generations to come are counting on that trust.

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