Coffee Chat: Are You Worried About Money?

I hate to give it away, but the answer is yes. In these uncertain times, the topic of money is a tough and stressful one. Those who never had, now worry about it. While those who had preexisting stress, have them heightened to this.

While I can’t speak for everyone, money talk has always been challenging for me. What I consider good enough may not be so to someone else, and vice versa. Similarly, we subconsciously fall into the habit of judging based on how much money a person has/spends/makes.

So what now? With so much uncertainty going around and no finish line or end date in sight, pin pointing an action plan is quite difficult. On the other hand, research has shown to link worrying about money to reduced productivity on given tasks.

While I do not have the right answer to this, nor my finances completely figured out, here are some things I noticed that help:

The first step is always to stop comparing!

Be mindful of where you are (not relative to others) and where you can realistically be.

Write things down (we are visual beings). Whether it’s a plan, or simply where to cut back on, it always helps to be looking at a solid plan and going back to it when needed.

The mindset you hold for yourself, specially the one that says how capable you are, will go a long way.

Remember: It’s nobody’s business but yours.

Also remember: seeking advice can be beneficial at times. In trying times (like now)– we are in this together. Sharing and seeking advice, while exchanging uplifting encouragement can act as very useful.


To conclude this chat with a moral of the story–there isn’t any. There is no right or wrong with money. And in this moment, there is no exclusive-to one situation with money either.

Good luck to all of us!

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